Families + Children
“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” - Proverbs 22:6
Strong families begin with being anchored in the hope of the Gospel through all seasons and trials of life. That's why we partner with parents to help raise the next generation pointing them to Christ.
Navigate Kids
We are passionate about declaring the power of the gospel to the next generation and equipping parents to raise their children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord
Growth: We want to seize every opportunity, even when it hurts, to be all that God has called us to be
Honesty: We make an intentional decision to honour Christ & each other by speaking and living the truth in love
Fun: we are a team that enjoys serving and laughing together
Excellence: We strive to do our best in all things because we are working for Christ
Relationships: We value every person and invest in knowing them and their story
Navigate Kids is for children from birth to Year 5. It includes a dynamic Sunday morning program with gospel-centred curriculum, and other special events throughout the year.
The children join the beginning of the church service and will commence their programs part way through. During the school holidays kids will remain in the church service to worship with their family.
Simply sign your children in at the Navigate Kids table in the foyer on arrival.
There is a Parents Care Room available in the foyer if you need to feed or tend to your little one during the service.
Our team of qualified children’s volunteers provide a safe and caring environment that is focused on building relationships with both children and their families.