Youth Gathering
Youth Gathering is on Friday nights for students in Years 6-12 from 7pm - 9:30pm.
We meet at Navigate NextGen Centre each Friday of the school term.
Please reach out to youth@navigatebaptist.church with any questions.
We are here to help Yr 6-12 school students discover Jesus, develop faith, display love and declare hope in life.
Our prayer is that our Youth will develop a personal and dynamic relationship with God that changes their lives and grows their relationships.
We offer loads of fun and high energy activities, along with relevant Bible teaching and small group times to discuss life and faith.
We have an amazing group of Youth Leaders that are committed to making every Youth Night the best experience for each young person that attends.
Sunday Services
We want our youth students to be able to worship alongside our church community as a whole.
We encourage our youth students to attend our main worship service on Sundays @ 10am with their family and friends.